Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday Week 41

Today I spent the day with my sister. I know that I already published a post last week of a picture of me and my sister saying that might be the last picture of us with me pregnant with this baby. Well little did I know that I would still be pregnant a week later. Sorry about the inaccurate information. Today we spoiled ourselves by getting our haircut and styled.The Game Plan
Being one week overdue we went to the doctor today to have an ultrasound and non stress test. The ultrasound showed that I have more than normal amniotic fluid which is nothing to be worried about. It just means baby is comfortable and mommy is huge and uncomfortable. The baby responded well to the non stress test. My exam showed no real change from last week. So unless labor happens naturally here is the game plan. Friday morning go to the doctor office again for a ultrasound and non stress test to make sure baby is still doing well. Friday afternoon go to the acupuncturist for labor inducing treatment. Assuming no natural labor by Saturday, go to the hospital to have a pressure catheter placed to help with dilation then go home. Then assuming no labor by Sunday morning go to the hospital to start pitocin drip. I hope to be able to go into labor naturally but knowing that there will be an absolute end to my being pregnant by at least Sunday or Monday gives me some comfort.


Cortney said...

Oh, I certainly hope that you can go before the pitocin drip... awful that stuff!! Good luck. I have only ever made it to 39 weeks, you are a trooper. I will pray that the baby is not 97 pounds!!!! Here's to your Sunday.

Tonya said...

Great game plan! I work Friday though. Bummer. Maybe you'll go into labor then!?! The light at the end of the tunnel is here. Hang in there!!

Columbo said...

Hang in there, it won't be too much longer. Really! Yes, you are a real trooper.

Greg and Diana said...

It sounds like you're hanging in there....you're almost there!! Good luck and just remember, no matter how they get her out it will be worth it when you see her for the first time!!

Rachel said...

Sounds like a plan!

Yay that the end is coming. A deadline will help make it seem like it is going to be foreeeeeeever.

Good luck!

Sara Liechty said...

That's a great game plan! I had pitocin with 3 out of 4 babies.It worked really great for me. Good Luck! I hope everything goes well!

Karen and Joe said...

I'm so proud of you for keeping such a good attitude about enduring this forever long pregnancy!I know it's getting tough but like I said try to keep on enjoying these last moments because you will miss the baby kicking inside almost instantly after you deliver!

Mike and Shelby said...

First of all, good game plan.

Second of all, what a cute shirt!

Keep pampering yourself!