Spicy foods, long walks, up and down the stairs, acupressure points and still no baby. We have tried many different things to try and induce labor many of which we will not mention here due to this being a family friendly blog. Still being uncomfortably pregnant we called our acupuncturist Dr Sam and pleaded to come in for an appointment. Thankfully they were able to squeeze us in. The baby is still high in my belly and Dr Sam said that he thinks it will be another week before she is ready. Not what I wanted to hear. He again encouraged me to go up and down the stairs more. Later that day we went to the pool where I tried working through my hip/pelvic pain to go up and down the stairs to encourage this baby out no matter the cost. I then had terrible pain and muscle spasms and had a very difficult time even bearing weight on my left leg. It took a lot of time and help from Andy to walk home. As much as I want this baby out I have come to the conclusion that causing myself this kind of pain is not helping. I am feeling very discouraged, limited and helpless.
2 weeks ago
Please don't feel discouraged. Angie is just not ready yet. Although I can't imagine how you are dealing through the pain of walking. That doesn't sound like any fun. We love you!
Hang in there sister!! I KNOW how miserable these last few days are!!!But the days are numbered for sure, she can't stay in there forever!:) Not too much longer, keep the faith!! I believe in you!!
The storm clouds make the sunshine so much brighter... when it finally comes out!! She really won't stay in there forever and you will be blissfully happy once she shows her beautiful face. You can do it!!!! Just relax and take a deep breath. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
I say have Andy do a flying elbow dog off the top turnbuckle, Macho Man Randy Savage style!
(Sorry for the lame WWF reference...)
Anyways, hang in there! Nature will take its course.
Oooh, ouch!
You can do this! You are very close to being done and you've done so well for so many weeks. Angie is just putting those finishing touches on.
It won't be long now. Just a few days of your "old life" left ;)
ohhhh, what a sad post.
What you are doing is such an amazing thing-you are bringing LIFE into this world, a miracle really. That certainly is not limited and helpless! You can make it! You WILL make it!
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