Saturday, June 18, 2011

False Alarm

I was busy nesting and feeling stressed about the delivery and recovery when I realized that I had not felt baby move for a while. This had me worried because my mother's second baby was still born at 39 weeks along with no know cause but suspected autoimmune attack from mother to baby. I called the on call doctor who advised me to come into the hospital to get checked out. We got Angie into bed for the night and called my brother to come over and watch Angie while we headed to the hospital.

Of course baby finally started moving once we were headed to the hospital but I was also having regular contractions so we decided to still go in. They hooked me up to the monitors and actually had a hard time keeping track of baby's heartbeat because he was moving so much (little stinker). The ultrasound showed plenty of fluid around him to move about. My contractions were regular every 3-5 minutes and lasting for about one minute each. When the nurse checked me I was no further dilated than I was at my previous doctor appointment.

So it was determined that baby was healthy and safe but labor had not yet started. We were sent home. Bummed about no labor yet but grateful and relieved baby is looking healthy and safe. Thankful also to my brother for watching Angie late at night and last minute. So the journey continues.

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