Friday, June 17, 2011

Angie's First Big Girl Corn Dog and Bedtime Chart

We ran some errands this morning and ended up being out for lunch. I decided to let Angie eat her very first big girl corn dog. She actually ate the whole thing! This girl sure has a bigger salt tooth than sweet tooth. She was actually a good girl up to this point but once my contractions started getting worse she would no longer listen. Isn't that how it always is? I finished the errands and got her home for nap. Phew!
I love watching Angie and Andy interact together. Here they are reading a bedtime story.
Angie has been getting worse at listening lately. I assume this is natural and that it will only get worse once baby is here and she feels her world is being turned upside down. We decided to pick the bedtime routine to work on since this is consistently a time when she will not listen. We made a chart of the things expected of her (Go upstairs when asked, take your clothes off and put them in the hamper, get on the potty and in the bath, help get your jammies on, brush your hair and teeth, be reverent for prayer time and lay down in bed). She gets to put a sticker on as she accomplishes each task. Her other reward is she gets a bedtime story and songs. Tonight things went well. She was very excited to put the stickers on and was very obedient. UNTIL it came time to actually lay in bed. She got in bed and was excited to put the sticker on but once the sticker was on she got up and started jumping around. Andy removed the sticker and she started crying. I gave her a kiss good night and told her I was not going to sing her songs if she would not listen. Andy stayed, calmed her down, got her back in bed, sang her songs and let her put the sticker back on. He has much more patience than me at the end of the day. It is my opinion that she needs to learn right away to obey to get the reward. Either way she did much better tonight and we are hoping things continue for the better.

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