Monday, June 13, 2011

39 Weeks

Had my doctor appointment. I was hoping that labor would have shown to have progressed since I want this baby out and I have been having contractions. Strangely when doctor checked me I was 50% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated. I found this odd because last week I was 60% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Is is possible to go backwards???

Doctor measured me and guessed the baby to weigh about 9 lbs now. This time I had questions prepared for her and asked again about being induced early to avoid him getting too big. She again refused and told me that if I knew someone that would induce me to go ahead and go to them for a second opinion. She said right now if we induced I would have a 50% chance of a c-section and there was no way she would induce me before the due date period.

I tried to reason with her that I thought my due date should be earlier since baby was always measuring bigger and reaching developmental milestones early from the beginning. She again said she would not move my due date from the calendar due date even thought there was no way we even would have gotten pregnant according to the calendar but would have to of been 5 days prior to that. With PCOS I never ovulated like everyone else. Again that did not matter with her and she treated me like I was not an individual but "by the book".

I am so worried and frustrated. I want baby and I to BOTH have a healthy delivery. If baby is too big by my due date and I "must" have a c-section then what is the issue with trying to induce earlier and hoping for a 50% chance of a vaginal delivery before baby is too big to cause as much damage as my first baby? Wouldn't there be less chance of baby's shoulders getting stuck if he came out before getting too big?

How do I even go and get a second opinion this late in the game? I feel worried, depressed and deflated. I no longer feel comfortable with my doctor and would rather go into labor after hours or on a weekend and have a different on call doctor take care of me. I am thinking a change in doctors will definitely happen at least by my post pardom appointment but not sure if I can swing it before delivery. Any suggestions on Saddleback Hospital OB's?


Crystal and Rachel said...

Have Andy go in with you. Drs are so rude to almost due women. They act like, "Oh, you're just emotional due to pregnancy."

I brought Darwin with me because I had the EXACT same request. Having had a 10 lb 6 oz baby who required resuscitation, and had a very complicated delivery, I was adamant I would NOT do it again. They blew me off. I called Darwin and he laid it out for them. They KNEW we had a history of very large kids (even without gestational diabetes.) So the waiting did nothing. They ended up inducing my 5th and 6th babies early because of this, but I really believe it is because Darwin was there and expressing his opinion that he would hold them responsible for whatever outcome THEY choose to create in that appointment.

Townsend said...

YES...have andy go! i know my doctor's nurse was not returning my calls...i had joshua call and MY OB called him back immediately. my OB as NEVER called me back personally. sadly, they feel women are so easy to blow off :(
i love my ob by the way and i think he would have induced me if i was in your situation. it was the nurse i was having issues with.