Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remember and Teach

Our beautiful City put on a wonderful ceremony for Patriots Day. I was very happy to be able to take part in The Pledge of Allegiance and to have Angie there to teach her as well. I actually got teary.
After the ceremony the soldiers had lots for the kiddos to look at touch and explore. Angie is wondering which button to push on this toy.
She almost looks official in this picture.
What happens when I push this button?
I was a little nervous letting my little one get into this super high vehicle but the soldiers there were so nice and helpful how could I say no.
Lots of buttons and leavers to explore in this tank.
We had a nice time. I always love going to things that help me remember how much I love our country and the freedoms we enjoy. I am so grateful for all that sacrifice to help bring us those blessings.

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