Thursday, July 10, 2008

Baby Shower

We had our baby shower this last week. It is humbling to see how many family and friends are so supportive and excited about our upcoming arrival. Thanks to everyone, we can't wait to dress her up and use all the wonderful presents. Here are some photos from the baby shower. Thanks to my friend Andrea for taking all the photos.
Here I am mommie to be. Someone will have to help me out of this comfy chair.
Cindy, Samantha & Delaney(Casey had swimming practice). I started babysitting for them when Samantha was two months old. Wow how time flys. So nice to see them growing into beautiful young women.
Kristine, Kathy & Cynthia. It is so nice to see friends that we have not been able to see for a while.
Patti has been Andy's boss for many years. It is nice to have her support.
Sally, Kelly & Gisela. So nice to visit with friends.
April, Cari & Mollie. Special thanks to Cari for allowing us to use her home for the baby shower.
Me and my sister Darby who is so excited to be an Auntie for the first time.
Thanks to my sister Darby for being the gift secretary and to Gisela for organizing all the gifts.
Bath time fun. Thanks Suubi :-)

1 comment:

Emily said...

Wish I could have been there! Looks like you got some great gifts. I love Suubi's! :) Very creative.