Thursday, September 1, 2011

Painting a Bird House for Grandpa Bob

Angie and I love getting little birdhouses from the dollar section at JoAnns and painting them. For some reason every time she says she wants to paint them for Grandpa Bob. We will see how many end up collecting in his yard :)

I love how she is so focused on painting.
I tend to be a very clean person so sometimes I make sure to let go and just let her get dirty.
I was very impressed with her painting skills this time. She focused on painting each side a different color.
I love that sweet smile.
Washing her precious hands when done.
In the reflection you can see baby Daniel in the sling. It was the only way I could get him to sleep that day.
Later when Daddy got home Danny got some more cuddle time in the Bjorn where he got to face forward for the first time, at least until he fell asleep.

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