Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Grandpa Bob's Birthday 2011

We were so excited for Grandpa Bob to come over for his Birthday. Angie was happy to cuddle with him and watch some Curious George.
Angie gives Grandpa Bob a Birthday kiss.

Tristan shows off his tricks.
Mmmmm, who does not like a strawberry?
Aunt Darby reads Angie a nap time story while Tristan catches some Z's on the Elmo chair.
Then Tristan moves to the couch for a nap time with the Birthday Boy.
We had a yummy dinner of appetizer foods and then as a special treat Darby had made a homemade coconut cream pie at Grandpa Bob's request. YUMMY! I will let others eat their cake, I will take the pie!

Fun with a relighting candle :)
Angie enjoys a piggy back ride with Daddy. We had a fun day with Aunt Darby, Grandpa Bob and then Daddy, Uncle Cameron and Grandma Kris later in the evening. Happy Birthday Grandpa Bob!

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