Thursday, March 12, 2009

On a Happier Note

Angie is getting much better at eating her mush.
If you look close you can see the splatter from when she sneezed with a full spoon of mush in her mouth.
Wow I am actually in a picture thanks to Aunt Darby.
Grandpa Bob had a great time feeding Angie.

This is a cute video of how far we will go to get babies to eat.

Then for a bath. Angie loves her baths.
Nice rubber duckie placement by the censors.
Another picture of me with Angie and Grandpa Bob thanks to Aunt Darby.
This time I actually remembered to take a picture of Uncle Cameron with Angie.


Darby said...

That was a fun visit.

Townsend said...

i LOVE nudey tub pics!...but agree wholeheartedly with necessary "censorship" :) she is a cutie pie!!!