Friday, February 6, 2009

Pneumonia and Puff the Penguin

Angie has had a cough since Monday then Thursday night things were really bad. It was a very sleepless night and worried us. Friday morning we went to the doctor and she said that she had pneumonia. Poor baby.
Now we have to give her breathing treatments. They are loud and Angie would much rather chew on the mask then wear it. The doctor wants us to do them for 20 minutes if we can so we watch Baby Einstein, Curious George or Sesame Street and that helps her to sit for a little while.
We are the proud new owners of Puff the Penguin Nebulizer. Hopefully good health will be in our near future.


Emily said...

Aw, poor kid! I hope she continues mending!

Rachel said...

Awwww, poor pumpkin. It has been such an icky, sicky winter. I hope this is the last of it for poor little Angie.

Karen and Joe said...

Awww, poor baby! it is so dang cute though! Hopefully you won't have to use it very much!

Karen and Joe said...

aww, poor baby! IT is a cute nebulizer! Hopefully you won't have to use it very much!

Karen and Joe said...

Awww, poor baby! it is so dang cute though! Hopefully you won't have to use it very much!

Mike and Shelby said...

Poor thing! (cute penguin)