Friday, May 14, 2010

Home Grown

Now that we have a yard we have planted a garden. We are trying to grow, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, strawberries, sugar snap peas, yellow and green beans. Our neighbors have a beautiful garden but have moved to Seattle. While their home is in escrow they invited us to pick from their garden. Angie loves to go and pick from their garden. There were actually twice as many blueberries but Angie ate them as we picked.
So far from our garden we have only gotten a few strawberries but there are already some zucchini growing. Here is looking forward to a very fruitful and veggieful future.
Grandpa Bob and Uncle Cameron came for a visit after work. Here is a cute video of Angie that Grandpa Bob took.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Oh YUMMY!!! Abigail loves blueberries too! I don't think there would have even been any left if she was picking them!!! I miss having a garden!!