Afterwards we met with the doctor. When we were first pregnant this time I made sure to ask her if we could induce earlier this time since I was able to be induced and deliver Angie naturally and she was so big. She was agreeable at that time so I totally expected her to want to schedule an induction date for me sometime closer to the due date. To my surprise she was not willing to do that, saying she could not because baby's belly was measuring bigger than his head. She told me that we will just have to go into labor naturally and if we don't we will do another ultrasound on my due date. If he is bigger than 10lbs 6oz then we will just have to do a C-Section. She told me the only thing I can do is to diet and cut back on my calories.
I was shocked and did not know what to say. I am pretty sure that Angie's belly was bigger than her head and I got her out just fine. Also, why should we just wait until he is too big? Baby was always measuring further along on the ultrasounds starting with the very first one at 5 weeks where he already had a yolk sac but the due date was never adjusted. I feel frustrated. I want both baby and I to have a healthy delivery and do not know what to do. Any advice?
If your making progress (dialating & effacing) I would remind the doctor of your previous conversation about induction. Tell her your close enough to the due date and the baby is measuring a healthy weight. Tell her your not going to wait until your due date. Dont leave until she gives you a date for induction that you're happy with. Kody was measuring 8 lbs 8 oz at 38 weeks, I was induced at 39 weeks and he weighed 8lbs 7oz. You just need to be clear & firm with your desire for your delivery & tell her c section is not an option unless there is an emergency.
I am so sorry you are having such a sterssful time with something that should be a happy experience!! You're in a rough don't want to yell at the person who is going to deliver your baby, but you want your wishes heard!! This is sometimes why I'm glad that we have to have C-sections now because there's never any confrontations with my doctor and everyone stays happy. Maybe you'll get lucky and go into labor soon?? I would start trying all those old wives' tales that you hear about to induce labor, it can't hurt, right?? Maybe you could ask your doctor to do something on her end to help start labor like stripping your membranes?? I really hope you end up having a good experience when all is said and done..and that after this baby you think about switching doctors!!
Well, maybe you already have it all worked out. First thing I would do is try to understand exactly what the risks are that your doctor is foreseeing. Shoulder/head proportion in new to me. C-section seriously seems so drastic though. Say a prayer. I will too.
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