On Saturday we were able to attend our nephew Ryan's Birthday Party. It was pirate themed. We were very grateful they decided to have it on the weekend we were there.
Grandma Kathy found some pirate dog costumes on clearance from Halloween for 99 cents. The twins wore the body suits but would not keep the hats on. The hat was perfect size for Angie and she is not yet coordinated enough to take it off so it stayed on the whole party. Such a cute pirate.
I love my little pirate.
Cupcake pirate ship.
Pirate ship hot dogs.
The pirate crew.
Revenge on the Dread Pirate Roberts (AKA Pirate Bob or Andy) for stealing all the loot.
The kids loved listening to the Dread Pirate Roberts.
Seriously Andy did a great job.
Captain Ryan storming the castle.
Pirate Angela the Drooley chewing on her Baby Bjorn.
Angie and her cousins Renee and Kaylee.
Dread Pirate Roberts has a soft spot for Angela the Drooley.
That is too hysterical. When she grows up and finds out that you dressed her in dog outfit... Oh my! That is probably going to be good for at least six months worth of therapy! ha ha ha....
That is so super cute. The hat is worth all 99 cents. Angie is facing forward in the bjorn; what a big step.
That is too hysterical. When she grows up and finds out that you dressed her in dog outfit... Oh my! That is probably going to be good for at least six months worth of therapy! ha ha ha....
That was Such a GREAT party because of the Dread Pirate ROberts! I means Pirate BOB!! Thanks again Andy you are the best!! Ryan had a blast!
He says.....ARRRRGHH!!
and AHoy Matey!
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