Thursday, January 31, 2008

Picture of Megan, Dr Ilene Hatch and Andy. This our last scheduled appointment with Dr Hatch on the 12th week of our pregnancy. Today we graduated from our infertility doctor to our OB doctor. Without Dr Hatch and her staff our baby due around August 6, 2008 may not have been possible.

Week 12 In this ultrasound on January 23, 2008 you can see the baby's head with facial profile and spine. This ultrasound is from the last visit we had with our infertility doctor, Dr Hatch. From here on out we will be seen by our OB Dr Kaminskas with only one ultrasound scheduled for March 20, 2008 where we will hopefully find out boy or girl.

Week 11 Our little curled up baby seen in the ultrasound on January 16, 2008. During this ultrasound the baby was moving all over the place, kicking legs and stretching out.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week 10 Ultrasound on January 9, 2008. It felt like a relief to get to this point because the risk of miscarriage is greatly decreased from here on.

Week 9 Ultrasound on January 3, 2008.

Week 8 Ultrasound on December 26, 2007.

Week 7 4/7 Ultrasound on December 23, 2007. This was an emergency ultrasound after Megan started spotting. We were so happy to see that little heart beating.

Week 7 Ultrasound on December 19, 2007. Megan's hormone levels were good. Doctor Hatch has Megan stop having hormone shots and patches.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Week 6 Ultrasound on December 12, 2007.

Week 5 Our first ultrasound on December 7, 2007 showing one growing baby.

Here is our baby's first picture. Both of these microscopic blastosists were transferred into Megan on November 18, 2007. One of them is now our growing baby due to arrive around August 6, 2008.